This is the simplest way to count cards because you are only keeping a mental count of the number of tricks of a complete suit, not of the number of cards. There are a few ways to could cards, one of them is to keep track of how many time a suit has gone around. One of the most helpful strategies that players can employ is counting cards. Hearts strategies are key to beating players in Expert Hearts. So instead of losing all 26 points that the hearts and Queen of spades total, your score will actually revert to zero! The other players in the Hearts game will score your 26 points.
If you win ALL 13 hearts in the deck AND the Black Lady then you would have succeeded in 'shooting the moon'. There is however, an exception to this rule. The Queen of Spades will add 13 points to your score and any heart card will add one point each. This is because Expert Hearts, like other level of Hearts games, is won by having the smallest point tally at the end of the Hearts game. Expert Hearts players will find their Hearts needs completely satisfied with Expert Hearts! There are no easy wins here! Strategy and perseverance are the keys to winning this fun and challenging Hearts game! Join 247 Hearts expert players to test yourself at the highest level of Hearts play, Expert Hearts.Įxpert Hearts is won by avoiding winning tricks in any heart and by saying adios to the Black Lady (Queen of Spades) if you encounter her.